この記事では、Vue でコンポーネント間の通信を実現するために不可欠な props と emit について詳しく解説します。
props のバリデーションや emit との使い分けなども解説しているので、是非学習に役立ててください。
Components are < vital building blocks > [ for creating web applications. ] ( ② ) They are a method [ for breaking down different parts [ of an application ] [ into reusable, smaller pieces. ]] ( ② )
( For instance, ) ( by deconstructing UI elements [ such as buttons, forms, menus, cards, headers, etc., ]) you can create a single web page ( by combining the individual components. ) ( ③ )
親コンポーネント / 子コンポーネント
A parent component is a higher-level component [ that contains other components. ] ( ② ) Parent components typically provide data ( to child components ) and have < properties and event handlers ( for child components ) [ to display and manipulate. ]> ( ③ )
A child component is a component [ placed ( inside a parent component [ that receives data ( from the parent component )) and draws the UI ( based on it. )]] ( ② )
<h1>Parent Component</h1>
<ChildComponent />
<script setup>
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
<ChildComponent />
<h2>Child Component</h2>
props を使用することで、親コンポーネントから子コンポーネントにデータを渡すことができます。これにより、アプリケーションをモジュール化し、再利用性を高め、アプリケーションの異なる部分間でデータを共有することができます。
( By using props, ) you can pass data ( from a parent component to a child component. ) ( ③ ) This allows you < to modularize your application, enhance reusability, > ( ⑤ ) and share data [ between different parts of your application. ] ( ③ )
props の使い方
props の宣言方法
Composition APIでは、子コンポーネントでpropsを宣言し、親コンポーネントからデータを受け取るためにdefineProps() 関数を使用します。
defineProps() 関数は <script setup> を利用する場合のみ利用可能
Composition API uses the defineProps() function [ to declare props ( in a child component )] and receive data ( from the parent component. ) (When using <script setup>) ( ③ )
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<script setup>
import { defineProps } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
message: String
props は const props = defineProps({ … })という形式を使用して宣言します。defineProps() 内のオブジェクトでは、受け取りたい props の名前とそのデータ型を指定します。この例では、message プロパティのデータ型を String として指定しています。
親コンポーネントから props を渡すには、子コンポーネントを呼び出す際に該当のプロパティに値を設定します。
以下は、親コンポーネントから message プロパティを子コンポーネントに渡す例です。
Props declare ( using the format [ const props = defineProps({ … }). ]) ( ① ) < The object in defineProps() > specifies the name [ of the props [ you want to receive ]] and its data type. ( ③ ) ( In this example, ) < the data type [ of the message property ]> is specified [ as String. ] ( ② )
< To pass props ( from a parent component, )> set values ( in the appropriate properties ( when calling the child component. )) ( ③ )
Below is an example [ of passing the message property ( from a parent component to a child component. )] ( ② )
<ChildComponent message="Hello from parent!" />
<script setup>
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
静的 props
静的 props は、固定の値を props としてコンポーネントに渡す方法です。
Static props is a way [ to pass fixed values ( to components [ as props. ])] ( ② ) Below is a sample code [ using static props. ] ( ② )
<child-component message="Hello from parent!" />
<script setup>
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
ここで、message プロパティは固定の文字列値(”Hello from parent!”)を持ち、この値は親コンポーネントから子コンポーネントに静的に渡されます。
Here, the message property has < a fixed string value (“Hello from parent!”), > ( ③ ) and this value is passed ( statically from the parent component to the child component. ) ( -③ )
動的 props
Dynamic props allows you < to dynamically change the values [ of props ( within a component. )]> ( ⑤ ) This is used ( to update the values [ of props ] ( based ( on parent component data or state ) ( within the component. ))) ( -③ )
( When declaring dynamic props, ) you can use ‘:property-name‘ or ‘v-bind:property-name‘ ( to bind a variable ( to the property. )) ( ③ ) ( In this way, )( whenever < the value [ defined in props ]> changes, ) < the child component [ that received the value ]> will also change. ( ① )
Below is a sample code [ using dynamic props. ] ( ② )
<ChildComponent :message="dynamicMessage" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
const dynamicMessage = ref('This can change!');
props バリデーション
( In props validation, ) you can specify not only the data type but also conditions and < constraints [ on the values. ]> ( ③ ) This allows you < to control ( whether specific values are accepted. )> ( ⑤ )
Here is a sample code [ with value constraints [ included ( in props validation. )]] ( ② )
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
// propsのバリデーション
const props = withDefaults(defineProps({
message: {
type: String,
required: true,
validator: (value) => {
return value.length <= 20;
const message = ref(props.message);
[Vue warn]: Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "message". Expected String, got Number.
< The message property’s props validation > specifies the following constraints. ( ③ )
property:The message property’s must be a string. ( ② )required
property:The message property’s is a required. ( ② )validator
property:< The length [ of the message ]> must be 20 characters or less. ( ② )
This means < that the message prop must be a string, it‘s required, > and its length should not exceed 20 characters. ( If < any of these constraints > are violated, ) Vue will generate a warning. ( ③ )
emit ではイベントを利用し子コンポーネントから親コンポーネントに通知を行い、イベントと一緒に親コンポーネントにデータを渡すことも可能です。
emit uses events ( to notify parent component ( from child components. )) and can also pass data ( to the parent component ( along with the event. )) ( ③ )
emit と props の違い
propsは親コンポーネントから子コンポーネントにデータを渡すために使用され、データの流れは親から子への一方通行です。子コンポーネントは、props 経由で提供されるデータを読み取り専用として受け取ります。(子コンポーネント内で props の変更をすると警告が出ます)
props is used ( to pass data ( from a parent component to a child component, )) ( -③ ) and the data flow is unidirectional, ( from the parent to the child. ) ( ② ) Child components receive data [ provided ( via props ) ( as a read-only. )] ( ③ ) (< Attempting to modify props within a child component > will result ( in a warning. ) ( ① ))
emit is used ( for child components to emit events to the parent component, ) ( -③ ) and the data flow is unidirectional, ( from the child to the parent. ) ( ② ) Child components can send data or events ( to the parent component ( using emit. ) ( ③ )
emit の使い方
emit は、子コンポーネントから親コンポーネントに対してカスタムイベントをトリガーするために使用されます。このメソッドは2つの引数を取ります。以下にそれぞれの引数について説明します。
第二引数はイベントに関連付けたいデータを含めます。これは子コンポーネントから親コンポーネントに渡すデータです。この引数は省略可能で、必要に応じて使用します。データは任意の型 (文字列、オブジェクト、数値など) で渡すことができます。
emit is used ( to trigger custom events ( from a child component to a parent component. )) ( -③ ) This method takes two arguments. ( ③ ) Each argument is explained below. ( -③ )
The first argument specifies the name [ of the event [ you want to trigger. ]] ( ③ ) This name is passed ( as a string ) ( -③ ) and identifies the event [ sent ( from the child component to the parent component. )] ( ③ )
The second argument contains the data [ you want to associate ( with the event. )] ( ③ ) This data can be passed ( from the child component to the parent component. ) ( -③ ) This argument is optional ( ② ) and is used ( as needed. ) ( -③ ) You can pass data [ of any type ] (strings, objects, numbers, etc.) ( ③ )
Below is an example [ where < a child component [ with a button ]> sends a message ( to the parent component. )] ( ② )
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<ChildComponent @sendMessage="updateMessage" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';
const message = ref('');
const updateMessage = (newMessage) => {
message.value = newMessage;
The parent component above has a reactive variable [ called message ] and updates the message ( using the updateMessage method. ) ( ③ )
Next, create the child component and use emit ( to send the message. ) ( ③ ) < The code [ for the child component ]> is below. ( ② )
<button @click="sendMessageToParent">Send Message to Parent</button>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const sendMessageToParent = () => {
const newMessage = 'Hello from Child!';
emit('sendMessage', newMessage);
( In the child component, ) ( within the sendMessageToParent method, ) you use emit ( to trigger an event [ called “sendMessage” ]) and send the newMessage ( to the parent component. )( ③ )
< The updateMessage method [ in the parent component ]> receives events ( from the child component ) and updates the message. ( ③ ) ( In this way, ) data can be exchanged ( between the parent and child components using emit. ) ( -③ )
- result in… →(結果的に)~をもたらす、~につながる、~に終わる
- unidirectional… → 一方向
- as needed… → 必要に応じて
- not A but also B… → AだけでなくBも
- In this way… → このようにして